It seems everyone has a cell phone these days. And some of us are more attached than others. When I think of cell phones I often picture my two teenage nieces texting non-stop at family functions, lest they miss something while hanging out with us “old” people. And yes, mobile marketing is still often perceived as something that “only” applies to B2C. (Sound familiar? You’re right. That’s exactly what B2B companies were saying about social media a year or so ago.) But if you aren’t feeding the cell phone habit in your e-mail marketing programs you are missing a big opportunity.
According a to Marketing Sherpa survey, 64% of decision-makers said they regularly view e-mails using a cell phone or other mobile device. That seems to resonate with the professionals I know who are permanently attached to their phones. (The old crackberry joke should have told us that.) Are you optimizing your e-mail programs to take advantage of mobile media to capitalize on behavior your prospects are already engaging in?
If not, there are some great resources available to help you get started. Marketo had a great post about how forward-to-a-friend links may hurt you when it comes to your mobile viewers. And if you need help, here’s a great starter guide for B2B mobile marketing.
What do you think? Is mobile marketing a bigger part of your mix this year?